Working as if to prove the statement “There is no coincidence when it comes to success” he evokes admiration with his mind and attitude, seeing the whole picture when it comes to his work… How many designers do you know who know the A to Zs of their brand; from the story of a shirt’s pocket detail to marketing and communication? Yes, now it’s time to talk about Murat Türkili; with his self-confidence and collected sentences… Right here!.
Turkey didn’t have an institution or university where I could get a fashion education in the1990s, and in order for me to improve my formation, ODTU’s Industrial Product Design department was the most ideal choice. All through my education I correlated every project to fashion, so my focus has always been on fashion. During my university years, I had the chance to work part-time at the Beymen Kızılay store, this was very beneficial for me to train my fashion eye simultaneously with my education. Long story short, I didn’t transition to fashion, I started in a field parallel to it.
It’s very busy and demands serious devotion. The responsibilities require you to be in love with your job. The process of preparing a collections is very tiring but exciting at the same time. Since its creator experiences many feelings simultaneously ending in great happiness when it’s complete, every collection gives me the feeling as if a new baby is born.
I can’t describe the pleasure I get from drinking green tea with mint and a slice of lemon when I’m very tired. Other than that, spending time with my friends, working out and going to the cinema also gives me joy of course.
Every collection has many pieces that are “me.” So willingly or unwillingly, they all have features to be “me.” I guess in this sense, the men and women Academia collections takes up a greater percentage.
Beymen Club has a soul that feeds off from tradition, adapting it to modern times. It presents a very big treasure with new additions every season. There is a great investment in Beymen Club not only as a product but also for the necessities of being a brand from marketing to advertisement, to the stores and the personnel. This change in energy is very apparent and it’s felt and appreciated by our customers through the last few seasons.
Cinsiyet ve sezon kavramları öğrenilmiş dayatmalar olmakla birlikte, yaşam şartları ve şekilleri değiştiği sürece bu kavramların da değiştiğini ve alışkanlıkların yıkıldığına tanık oluyoruz. Bütün bunların temelinde özgürlük ve bireysellik yatıyor.
Gender and season are collectively taught impositions, as conditions and styles of living change, we witness these concepts changing and these habits destroyed. On the basis of all this, there is freedom and individuality.
When details are processed, stories are created and then ideas are drawn from this; these ideas find life in 3D forms. In order to complete the stories, details are very important, the desired sensation is transferred to the reader this way. I see it almost like a scenario being narrated through a film. Keeping the spirit of Beymen through the stories we design, we try to catch the identities of each and every character and the whole they represent as a form.
For the 2016 Spring/Summer season we prepared a collection based on confident characters, refined tastes and an intellectual knowledge of the cosmopolitan man and woman, differentiating by exotic lines and patterns, with ethnic textures in the forefront, whilst nurtured by various cultures and tastes.
I like to unite the Beymen Club African patterned yellow pencil skirt with the short sleeved dark blue-white gingham blouse. Then you have a fresh summer style and tasteful contrast by mixing the patterns.
We are not a mature and satisfied country in this sense. Also we’ve been fooled by quality products in the past. Thus, the ones who think that way do so in order to avoid feeling tricked and fooled.
The future is always exciting for me. Fashion shouldn’t only be seen as clothing but a lifestyle as well. Gender and season are collectively taught impositions, as conditions and styles of living change, we witness these concepts changing and these habits destroyed. On the basis of all this, there is freedom and individuality.
The development of new communication technologies and not having limits affect many fields in social life and has a decisive role in marketing and communication strategies. I think social media and fashion move one another forward considering how social media causes brands to get recognized more, where one can follow the competition, and there is accessibility and a maximum speed to reach products and trends for the consumer. They, in return, can share their experiences with the products. Furthermore, it’s a strong platform for both famous and unknown brands to share their designs without an ad budget and doing their own PR.
My travels and my friends.
Concerning fashion, one would wish that people are able to maintain calm when determining their styles or interpreting it…
Paula Gerbase and Ryan Lo.
Calm, stylish and self-confident.
Portishead- The Rip.