You love Wes Anderson, we love Wes Anderson, everybody in their mothers’ womb loves Wes Anderson. You know who else loves Wes Anderson? Barcelona-located illustrator Mar Cerdà.
Using watercolor painting and paper as the base materials in her work, the illustrator creates incredibly delicate mini-me versions of scenery, sets, people, and objects in general. What caught our attention within all her incredible work were the tiny versions of Wes Anderson sets such as Margot Tenenbaum’s bathtub, the concierge desk from the Grand Budapest Hotel, and the Louis Vuitton luggage from The Darjeeling Limited.
What one would easily relate to children’s book material, Cerdà’s work is so meticulous due to her training in cinema and audiovisuals, that her art direction helps her emphasize on scenographies like no one’s business. We’ll take two, please!