Without compromising from her humble attitude, Burcu, one of our classics from TV, says “Let’s not call it a classic but I think I fit in.” Maybe that’s why she adds her glow onto everything she touches. There is something about her confident attitude that takes us under her spell. Though not possible to define exactly what it is without doing justice, there are things we want you to hear from her.
Ceket / Jacket: Moda Editörüne ait / Editor’s Own, Pantolon / Pants: ZEYNEP ÖKMEN, Küpe ve Yüzük / Earring and Ring: POMELLATO, Saat / Watch: CHOPARD, Ayakkabı / Shoes: SERGIO ROSSI
Being on TV doesn’t guarantee getting respect. Television makes everything bigger. Your body and your ego. If you don’t manage to be as you are, somehow it pulls you down. The system throws you out. People like natural things and respect them. The rest is like a transient memory. I’ve been working in television for about 20 years; someone’s work life or title should not change their character or life, whether in front of the cameras or not. At least I think so.
Tulum / Overall: TEMPERLY LONDON / VAKKO COUTURE, Kaban / Coat: ÖZGÜR MASUR, Yüzükler / Rings: POMELLATO
Ayakkabı / Shoes: SAINT LAURENT / BEYMEN
I think that anything that stays relevant over the years, that has the ability to be an example for the new, is liked by most, and is a choice for the majority are classics.
I have this gift, an attribute for “being at the right place at the right time.” I guess “Classic Burcu” can be interpreted that way but I wouldn’t know how we would interpret Burcu Esmersoy. [Laughs.]
I think that social media accelerates our journey in becoming a consumer society. Aside from that, I think that it helps with creating content that is supported by visuals that are trustworthy, facilitates following fashion, and brings you a step closer to the people you love or look up to. But it doesn’t make lives easier.
The main reason that draws me into spending my time on Instagram feed is because I think that it would be disrespectful and irresponsible to not share posts on an account that is followed by so much people.
As to my latest discovery on Instagram, it’s “turn off comments.”
Ceket / Jacket: BARBARA BUI, Etek / Skirt: ACADEMIA / BEYMEN, Küpeler / Earrings: CHOPARD, Çanta / Purse: JIMMY CHOO / BEYMEN
Where I am right now is not where I had imagined to be because I didn’t have the dream of becoming famous and on TV earlier in life. As for now, I don’t aspire for anything other than to be more successful at the point where I am and to sustain it that way. What you see is what there actually is, everything about me is out in the open, I have nothing to hide. A woman much loved by the people who know her, adored by %50 of people who don’t know her, and a %50 who doesn’t understand what to do with her.
I’m in a content phase, in a period where I count my blessings.
Etek / Skirt (üst olarak kullanılıyor / worn as top): ÖZGÜR MASUR / GIZIA GATE, Kemer / Belt: LANVIN / HARVEY NICHOLS
I might have said the “beauty pageant” but that’s not it anymore… No! When I look back now, I would tell the 20 year old Burcu to go on screen at an earlier age, to spare more time for friends and personal life, to not mistake anyone to be like herself, to travel more, and to wipe off her eye makeup more smoothly.