In this issue, we prefer to be honest with ourselves and appear in a world where we get in touch with all those weak spots. What is a mistake? Can it sometimes be to trust, sometimes to love, sometimes choosing to believe or maybe to surrender sometimes?
When the line between reason and logic vanishes, when the scales of balance are tipped, a state of mistake transpires. The solution is hidden in confessions. This is a challenging journey where establishing peace is the key. Making peace with yourself, addressing your shortcomings, knowing how to heal your wounds… I believe everything starts with loving yourself. You teach others how to love you, the way you love yourself. It’s not a grand, glorious vacation, but the place where you feel at home. But don’t worry, you are no longer the little child who hides behind fears. Now everything is just fine.
Growth, transformation, self-preservation…
Sometimes getting lost in the crowd, often feeling like being misused but overcoming it everytime. Being neglected, being over-cherished, but most of all, reclaiming hope. Like you’ve never lost it. Finding a new reason to get through each day is survival. That’s what life is.
Your heart beats faster, an idea pops in your mind, and the sun rises once again. And you make another promise to the child that never grows. To become a better version of yourself, to make peace, to rewrite the rules of the game, to put another check in your diary…
I do not think physics and storytelling are that far apart. When you look at the universe in general, you always want an explanation of something because that’s how you understand it. It is a part of human existence you can never prove anything, you only prove that you can’t disprove a thing. It is like you’re existing in a strange place, it is like you confess something for the very first time. World is basically a “dynamic” mess of jiggling things. You need to confess your messy parts first.
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