How do you separate night from the day?
I think they both have different moods…I’m both an early bird and a night owl…I like my life to be dynamic and full because I am very energetic. Actually, I live my life the same way, day and night. Maybe I change not fundamentally, spiritually but only in style. During the day, I live much more comfortable and sporty, while at night I take on a slightly more stylish and glittering style.
How does the night start for you?
It starts with me hearing the rhythm of the music.
Do you describe yourself as “brave”?
I don’t think I’m brave enough but, yeah, I’m not a coward. I take risks that may be brave to some people, but there are also situations where I am timid. I believe that at a certain point in each person’s life, they do something brave within their own boundaries. In the circumstances, we are all testing our own courage.
It’s getting dark and you’re walking down the streets; what’s playing in the background?
Love Tonight’s House
At what “moment” do you feel happier?
For me, music is at the center of life. It affects my whole mood. It changes my balance and takes me from one time to another. And when the music begins to accompany the dance, those moments can turn into memories, and I’m definitely happier.
How would you describe the night?
I believe in the cosmic connection of the night between music – people – dance. At the touch of a button, the rhythm of everything changes, as if moments turn into memories.
What does “sharing” mean to you?
Everything! I believe that every moment of our lives is valuable only if we share it. I love sharing what I see, experience, and do with the people around me. Sharing means living … it binds us together.