Sometimes an ex-lover, others an endless journey… Ali Can Ayyıldız carves out his own path amid the chaos of Istanbul, never hesitating to share the inspiration he draws from the city back with it. He narrates his life not based on how others might react, but on what makes him feel good: “It’s not exactly easy, but when you can manage to act this way, you naturally become a one-of-a-kind character.” His relationship with Istanbul is woven with kites, marbles, friends, and losses. Sounds familiar?
Recording Istanbul_______ this time Ali Can sits in front of us. We delve into the unique mark he’s left on the city’s chaos, the original energy he’s infused into its spirit, and the creativity-filled stories he’s brought to life. Stories born from familiar voices, yet never heard before.
Take us into your world! What are the core values that make you who you are?
Original, innovative, and emotional. Not only in my work but in every aspect of my life, I always try to create and try new things. I’ve never tied my purpose of survival to financial reasons — instead, I’ve always moved forward with innovative projects.
In the brands I’ve created or in the close relationships I’ve built, my emotional side can show up at a very high level. Maybe that’s why I push myself to be original — it has to be something completely new for me to actually love it.
What does “being unique” mean to Ali Can?
Acting not based on how others would react, but based on how I would feel good about myself. It’s not the easiest way to live, but when you manage to do that, you naturally become a one-of-a-kind character.
How would you describe your relationship with Istanbul?
I have a very long-term relationship with Istanbul. I’ve experienced its most ‘ghetto’ sides, I’ve flown kites, played marbles in the streets. I’ve made countless friends and lost many too. I’ve worked in so many places, opened venues, closed them. I’ve been deeply nourished by this city. That’s why it’s impossible for me to say anything bad about Istanbul. It’s actually like an ex I can never forget — you only realize you can’t live without it once you’re apart.
What makes a place stand out from others for you?
The crowd.
A confession about creativity.
I used to get really jealous of truly creative, great work. There were so many times I was mad at myself thinking ‘why didn’t I do this?’ As I’ve gotten older, I’ve calmed down a bit — now I can appreciate and move on with my life.
What would be the soundtrack of your life right now?
Radiohead – No Surprises
“It’s actually like an ex I could never forget — you only realize you can’t live without it once you’re apart.”
-Ali Can Ayyıldız
In conversation with Ali Can Ayyıldız
Editor ın Chief Duygu Bengi
Art Direction by Yağız Yeşilkaya
Videography by Umutcan Öncü, Melike Duman
Edited by Melike Duman
Fashiıon Editors Birce Naz Köş, Murat Şentürk
Interview by Tunga Yankı Tan
Hair Team Enes Sakızcı, Yiğithan Yılmaz
Make Up by Melisa Deniz Aslanboğa
Make up Assistant Zeynep Naz Akoğlan
FashionAssistantants Melek Kaya, Zeynep Naz Gümrükçü