The biennial, which will be held by IKSV and sponsored by Koç Holding, takes its title from the name given to it by the scientific community. The Biennial exhibitions set out to discover this phenomenon that could be seen as an imaginary object rather than a real continent as well as a metaphor for the new state of humanity. The Biennial aims to discuss the relationship between art and ecology by presenting a number of contemporary art works that focus on the natural and cultural waste caused by the mankind, using the tools of anthropology or archeology.
Artists, writers, anthropologists, ecologists and scientists like Prof. Dr. Laurent de Sutter, Prof. Elizabeth Povinelli, Assoc. Dr. Tobias Rees, Assoc. Dr. Emanuele Coccia, Assoc. Dr. Prof. Ayfer Bartu Candan, Assoc. Dr. Jennifer Deger, Jeremy Narby, Ayşe Ceren Sarı, Serkan Kaptan and Yasemin Ülgen will be among the participants of the public program.