Based Istanbul Welcomes: Mehmet Ali Uysal

TVOctober 22, 2023
Based Istanbul Welcomes: Mehmet Ali Uysal

Everything begins with imagination. Mehmet Ali Uysal, while conveying a profound subconscious journey, initiates by saying, ‘I may not be able to do everything, but I can imagine everything.’ As we meet with Mehmet Ali Uysal at Pi Artworks Istanbul, we embark on an enjoyable journey with his fifth solo exhibition, exclaiming, ‘Life is beautiful!’.

We come together with Mehmet Ali, who delves into life’s fragility and flaws through his works. He magically transforms spaces and manipulates our perception of them, consistently combining the space with his unique materials without venturing outside his distinctive style. In other words, he not only uncovers mysteries hidden on the surface but also explores the profound meanings and contradictions within life. ‘I don’t have a favorite material. I work more in communication with spaces. Our first room was our mother’s womb. The door is the mouth of the space; the window is the eye. Water pipes are the veins, cables are the nerve endings. It’s born, ages, dies, just like us.’

For Mehmet Ali, sincere passion and self-critique form the foundation of both his practice and worldview. ‘Sometimes, you question what you did, how you did it… Yes, I question. I have no boundaries in self-critique.’

Mehmet Ali emphasizes that each space and every person has a unique personality. The pursuit of one’s essence within these differences offers the most valuable discoveries of life. ‘Life is not just made up of happy moments; it would be boring if it were. Every individual has an essence, each one different from the other. As I get closer to my essence, I feel good. But I hope I never find myself; I’ll always keep searching.’ With this candid approach, depth and meaning emerge in Mehmet Ali’s works, inviting us to explore both our own essence and the beautiful reflections of life.

Creative Direction by Duygu Bengi
Filmed by Umutcan Öncü
Content Editor Ceydanur Demir
Thanks to Pi Artworks İstanbul Gallery

Author: Based Istanbul