Based Istanbul Welcomes: Serdar Biliş

TVJanuary 3, 2025
Based Istanbul Welcomes: Serdar Biliş
The hour of the theater shows “now”. Theater is concerned with what happens here and now.
It brings the events that we couldn’t witness right before our eyes and just like in dreams, it exercises our minds with possibility practices. Theater is dreaming while awake.
In other words, what transforms a script into a theater play is the actor, their action, their generosity, their courage to risk being seen while baring their soul.

The audience establishes a distanced identification with the stage, and embarks on a journey to new realms. In a way, actors on stage become the avatars of the audience. The antique form of a 3-dimensional journey…
The acting ground is ritualistic place at its core.
The “performance” begins when some people leave the circle of ritual to watch.
As Peter Brook stated, “I can take any empty space and call it a stage. If a person walks through this empty space, and another watches them, the necessary conditions for theater are fulfilled.”
The acting stage rolls the closed curtains and shows what's inside. The inner self mentioned in Yunus’ verses, “There is an I within myself” is that connection—a connection of imagination.

Creative Direction and Interview by Duygu Bengi

Videography by Umutcan Öncü

Creative Team Belgin Demirhan, Melike Duman, Tunga Yankı Tan

Author: Based Istanbul