Photography: Fora Norman
Styling: Burak Sanuk
Hair: Harun Ateş
Make-up Ömer Faruk Dinç
Try to live your character, not to play it.
In general, it’s a reality. The characters you portray on screen can be perceived as real by some of the viewers. For instance, when you play a women who’s been cheated on by her husband/ boyfriend, someone can walk up to you on the street and say “That man is cheating on you by that woman.” These kinds of things happen all the time, which is enough to prove the reality of its effect.
Definitely excitement. It’s important that I feel connected to the narrative flow, the story, and the character I play, and that I feel curious about her life.
It’s more accessible so I think it’s a positive change. You can watch them anywhere so it’s useful to reach a wider audience. If you’re in a web series, you can reach as many people as most of the Hollywood stars, and have the opportunity to present your talent to more people.
When I’m on the set, I leave Bade’s emotional world at the back stage. I try to compartmentalize my personal and professional lives. I also experience this during daily life; for instance, I meet a fan when I feel very upset or angry but I try not to show it, and feel detached from myself. The other person cannot guess my emotional state and just feels excited to meet someone (s)he admires and wants to take a picture together. At times, it takes your whole being to keep it together. I think real me is pushed to a subconscious level when I cannot fully live my real feelings.
This year the weather doesn’t seem to get warmer. It’s almost the end of spring but we still cannot leave home without a coat, and I do not like that.
Living life to the fullest.