DUYGU What did you feel when you read the script for the first time?
FUNDA It’s been a while.
HALİT It was quite fun.
FUNDA It was exciting because it was fun and a little out of ordinary.
DUYGU How did working together feel like? It’s the first time we’ve seen you together on a project.
FUNDA Amazing! Why didn’t we do it before? I’d like to work with him again and again. I can shoot the first season from scratch. I can replay the scenes once more.
HALİT Wouldn’t it be great?
DUYGU What was the main differentiating factor of this project from your previous works?
HALİT It was high paced work, quite entertaining. I enjoyed working with Umur; it’s the first time I worked with him and I tell this to everyone. He has a way of making you feel like you are in an amusement park. Like you’re riding the roller coaster.
FUNDA Or the gondola!
DUYGU Can you tell us about your experience working with Halit? Apart from all his previous roles, we see a completely different Halit Ergenç in Cem’s character.
FUNDA Working with Halit is very enjoyable and more importantly, it is really reassuring.
HALİT Oh come on!
FUNDA Really, sometimes I got stuck in a tight spot, or you know, an actor can fall into desperation quite easily; during all those times he made me feel safe and comfortable both as a person and as an actor.
DUYGU How was working with Funda for you?
HALİT We’re working together with Funda for the first time but we found chemistry quite easily. For instance, I used to watch Funda during filming and enjoyed it a lot; and later I found myself asking Umur constantly “Did you see that?” over Funda’s scenes. We had a really enjoyable time on the set.
FUNDA Yes, that was also my experience. Halit’s character has some quirks. He would start getting quirky before the scene, and I would watch him thinking, “How does he do that?”
HALİT I tried fresh things with this project. I’ve been involved in more tragic stories up until now. But the perspective of the story in this project was very different. Başar’s penmanship is so strong that it turns seemingly ordinary subjects into something captivating. Umur on the other hand, has a totally unique perspective. For example, I understood some stuff, what Umur was aiming for, only after watching.
FUNDA Exactly. Some things I couldn’t wrap my head around became clear when I watched the scene. I even thought, “Oh, I wish I could have done that scene again.”
HALİT Yes, that’s it. There were times that I thought “I wish I got it then”. But it was great, we had a very enjoyable working environment. We worked happily with all the guest actors who joined us for each episode.
DUYGU Cem’s character frequently reminds us during the series of his saying, “Whatever happens to us happens because we can’t stand loneliness.” Do you agree with this statement?
HALİT If you are with someone because you can’t stand loneliness, you are bound to be in trouble. I agree with him, in a sense that if a person gets involved with somebody just because they can’t stay alone, some issues will definitely arise. You should be with someone because that’s the person you want to be with.
FUNDA Yes, but there’s a distinction there, between being able to be alone and being accustomed to loneliness. Because the relationship can be more challenging with someone who is too accustomed to being alone, though it helps when a person is capable of being alone and chooses to be in a relationship.
HALİT Sure, after all when someone who is used to being alone manages to form a relationship, it becomes incredibly valuable.
FUNDA People who are too accustomed to being alone also need to manage the compromises or responsibilities that come with being a couple. They can perfectly stay alone but they shouldn’t be that used to loneliness either. I mean, these are tough issues.
HALİT Is it easy to build a relationship?
FUNDA Not one bit.
HALİT It is even harder to build a life for two.
FUNDA It is harder to define.
HALİT What I liked most about the script was that in each episode we deal with a different problem related to love and each of these issues are real, like things many of us have witnessed or experienced in some way.
FUNDA Instances we can empathize with.
HALİT Events we are exposed to or have been involved in ourselves. I also liked this perspective the story embraced. It doesn’t tell a story that would involve and shatter you to pieces, or drive you into despair. It presents the issue, makes you think, and ties it all together.
FUNDA The series takes the issue in a more light-hearted, entertaining perspective, not something that overwhelms people emotionally.
“Love is the seed that makes the existence of a relationship possible. The stronger and more sturdy that seed is, the longer the relationship can continue to rely on it. Because what we call love is actually fleeting, it just keeps people together in a certain place, at a certain energy, for a certain time. Then the relationship begins to evolve. The stronger that seed is, the more likely that relationship is to continue.“
Halit Ergenç
DUYGU “Is love a cure or a disease?” We watch a different dual conflict in each episode. What’s your perspective on this?
HALİT I consider love a cure. But it also means trouble.
FUNDA Cure as long as it’s not toxic.
HALİT Every beautiful thing has its own price, it’s tough, you know.
FUNDA Something that can cross over to a more morbid side.
HALİT Even that’s OK when it comes to love.
FUNDA After a certain age, having something that has both feet on the ground is more enjoyable for me.
DUYGU Is it where the concerns for the future kick in?
FUNDA It’s not so much as worrying about the future but feeling a little more comfortable and safe.
HALİT Getting old, you mean.
FUNDA But I wasn’t going to define it that way.
HALİT Actually you’re seeking comfort, like you said.
FUNDA Yes, because now you have someone you can lean on. I guess the feeling of togetherness and going into that tornado together is starting to become more important.
HALİT Yes, that’s definitely important.
DUYGU So can we say that in a balance between trust and love, trust actually prevails?
HALİT Love is the seed that makes the existence of a relationship possible. The stronger and more sturdy that seed is, the longer the relationship can continue to rely on it. Because what we call love is actually fleeting, it just keeps people together in a certain place, at a certain energy, for a certain time. Then the relationship begins to evolve. I suppose, the stronger the love, the higher the chances of the relationship to endure. Love is a starting point but you experience many stories after that. Just like she said, a tornado! You get into a storm. Not just one, you go through many storms. You need to have something to hold on to make it through. You need to have a valid reason to continue living that life, with that person. Which turns out to be love you had at the beginning.
“There’s a distinction between being able to be alone and being accustomed to loneliness. Because the relationship can be more challenging with someone who is too accustomed to being alone.”
Funda Eryiğit
DUYGU Let’s get back to Love Hospital, where we witness a different story each episode. Which story impressed you the most?
FUNDA There’s a story about sleep, starring Yetkin Dikinciler. Not because I empathized with it but it was the story I found most creative. I was impressed by it the most. It tells a lot about the feeling of trust.
HALİT The one I liked most, my favorite is the love story of two fashion designers. I find their story most intriguing. It views the issue at such a correct stance that it involves hate, togetherness, going at each other, and a love that still prevails. It’s a can of worms but it is life itself actually.
DUYGU So how does this idea of love we talked about manifest in your reality?
HALİT I become very energetic when I’m in love. When I’m happy with my love, it makes me even more energetic, that’s what I love the most. Full energy, full happiness hormone.
DUYGU And when it’s the exact opposite? Does it become unhappiness, full negativity and deep depression?
HALİT Of course it does, that’s for sure. After all, it’s love. Is there anyone who hasn’t experienced this? Then we need to question their love.
DUYGU Would you accept hospitalization?
FUNDA I’m not really good with hospitals and doctors. Somehow I drag my heels, I need someone to take me there. I feel the same about medication as well. It’s not that I don’t believe in science and medicine. My belief is a hundred percent but I need someone to drag me. If I ever find myself in such a situation, I’d be very happy if you offered to take me to a hospital.
HALİT I don’t think I’d accept. I would try to fix it myself instead.
DUYGU Let’s imagine that we lived in a universe where love was considered a disease. Would you look for treatments like Cem Taşkın?
HALİT Cem has a disease, he is dysfunctional. Everything that human beings create in the universe is a product of love of some kind.
Is love a disease? Or a cure? The greatest dilemma of the modern individual. Written by Başar Başaran and directed by Umur Turagay, Lovers Anonymous airs on Netflix to accompany you through your search for your own answers.
Doğruluk mu? Cesaret mi? Kendine dürüst olmayı seçenlerden mi yoksa cesur olmayı seçenlerden misin?
A Creative Collaboration with Netflix Türkiye
Featuring Halit Ergenç & Funda Eryiğit
Creative Direction & Words by Duygu Bengi
Fashion Direction by Burak Sanuk
Photography by Yağız Yeşilkaya
Fashiıon Editors Birce Naz Köş, Ant Süzer
Set Design Yeşim Yeşilçimen
Hair by Mustafa Akgül
Make Up by Doğukan Tuncer
Creative Production BI Creative
Production Team Barış Kartal, Belgin Demirhan
Photography Assistant Aktuğ Yılmaz
Set Design Assistants Yavuz Selim Kalaycı, Dilay Şimşek
Hair Assistants Enes Sakızcı
Bestboy Eren Can Evcil