I perfectly knew I was w/ Afra Saraçoğlu

UnframedFebruary 11, 2025
I perfectly knew I was w/ Afra Saraçoğlu

Everything is possible, a little girl striving to actualize herself turns into a fearless woman. At liberty, authentic… Aware of what she did and what she can do. Life starts when you’re true to yourself. Being disciplined, self-aware, open to learning and most importantly, being courageous enough to step up for them. Sometimes you dream a dream and stay in it and sometimes a dream sparks in your mind—later to be turned into a possibility, then, a reality. The second scenario is more relevant to us in this story. Afra knows what she wants. She has the courage to make mistakes, and she prefers trying rather than waiting in a corner. Doesn’t every story begin like this?

Take us back to the time when you realized that acting would be your occupation.

Afra Saraçoğlu: An extremely excited Afra. Her first movie just came out, a little bit of surprise and a little bit of fear is in the air. But she sees that there can be much more. She feels that she needs to make an effort for more. With every step she finds her own feet, changes and rebuilds all over. It’s a very long journey and she’s so enthusiastic to set off.

What makes your heart race when you start reading a new script?

Afra Saraçoğlu: The authenticity of the character. Believing in the story and purpose enhances the joy I feel while bringing them to life.

How does engaging with a new story and character with each project influence Afra’s personal journey?

Afra Saraçoğlu: There are some characters I learn from, and some I want to sit down and talk to. But each one invigorates my inner reflections. Before judging their actions, I have to consider what I would do if I were in their shoes. Their stories help me become more flexible.

AFRA wears wears oversized jacket by GUCCI

I prefer to express what’s in my head in the most straightforward way possible. It’s been a long time since I’ve grasped that every word and sentence is a key. I believe that thoughts should not be held back. As long as we deliver what’s in our hearts and minds  honestly, we remain true to ourselves.”

How important is it in your reality to be able to express yourself?

Afra Saraçoğlu: I prefer to express what’s in my head in the most straightforward way possible. It’s been a long time since I’ve grasped that every word and sentence is a key. I believe that thoughts should not be held back. As long as we deliver what’s in our hearts and minds  honestly, we remain true to ourselves.

Were you able to keep the promises you made to younger Afra?

Afra Saraçoğlu: I’ve been holding her hand ever since she first dreamed of acting. We’ve walked this path together, and we still keep walking. I hope she’s happy with what I’ve achieved.

What does passion mean to you?

Afra Saraçoğlu: It means being honest with yourself, doing everything to keep your inner flame alive, and loving every moment of life deeply.

AFRA wears suede ballerina flats by GUCCI

“Acting based on who you are and what you want is so much easier than pretending to be someone else.”

What role does inspiration play in your career?

Afra Saraçoğlu: I believe I draw inspiration from different things at different times. Inspiration is a necessity for every individual. It is possible to get inspired by a song you hear, a conversation you join, or someone you smile at. We grow by feeding on what we see and feel, and that enhances my acting like yeast does to sourdough.

How much space does dreaming occupy in your life? Do you feel closer to dreams or reality?

Afra Saraçoğlu: Dreams open up a path but reality is what enables us to walk through it. I’m not someone who passes into a deep daydreaming state in the middle of the day, but I rather make an effort to turn the ideas that pop into my mind into part of my reality.

Identity isn’t just about individuality but also about belonging. From this perspective, how much do you feel you’ve actualized yourself?

Afra Saraçoğlu: Self-actualization is a process, it’s about setting goals and moving forward. Some days you feel like a stranger to yourself. You may find yourself estranged in the place you feel most at home. But no matter what, I keep trying to find my way back to myself.

AFRA wears suede ballerina flats and suede bag by GUCCI

Under what circumstances do you feel most in touch with your true self as an artist and a woman?

Afra Saraçoğlu: When I strip away external factors, inside my home, away from the bright set lights. Perhaps while reading a script or watching a film, my thoughts flow freely. I observe myself in my most plain form, without any defences, in a place no one knows. 

AFRA wears wears oversized jacket by GUCCI and her satin ballerina flats by GUCCI
AFRA wears suede dress and ballerina flats by GUCCI

How is it possible to remain original in a universe where everything looks alike?

Afra Saraçoğlu: By holding on to your essence and inner passion. Acting based on who you are and what you want is so much easier than pretending to be someone else..

Are you afraid of making mistakes?

Afra Saraçoğlu: Making mistakes is a result of being courageous. Mistakes help us grow, we learn and carry on. Nothing can be more scary than waiting in a corner instead of trying.

AFRA wears suede dress and pearl necklace by GUCCI

Being Afra or staying Afra – which one is harder?

Afra Saraçoğlu: For me, the girl carrying scars over her knees and the Afra preparing for award ceremonies and sets are the same person. Life is too long to feel complete, and I don’t put myself on an unreachable pedestal. I work hard and put immense effort into every moment.

Do you care about what’s said about you?

Afra Saraçoğlu: I listen to people I trust. But I don’t shape my world around the judgments of those who don’t truly know me.

Everything is possible, what do you dream for yourself?

Afra Saraçoğlu: Broadway or the National Theatre stage… A moment in which I’m on stage, dancing freely. 

AFRA wears double breasted jacket, printed chiffon shirt, silk organza bra top, denim pants and ballerina flats by GUCCI
AFRA wears a sleeveless dress, tulle bra top, white socks and black loafer by GUCCI

A confession about yourself?

Afra Saraçoğlu: If I can’t find an item that comes to my mind, even if I don’t need it at that moment, I go crazy. This irritation and desire to find it has nothing to do with the value of the item or its necessity at that moment. I just want to find it, I want to have it at that moment. Only when I am completely reassured that I have lost it, my obsessive state will pass and I will feel relieved. But that process is very frustrating.

AFRA wears a silk gown, silk organza bra top and ballerina flats by GUCCI
AFRA wears embroider denim pants, silk organza bra top,satin ballerina flats by GUCCI

Follow the link to watch the Based Istanbul Talks with Afra Saraçoğlu.

Cover Guest Afra Saraçoğlu

Creative Direction and Interview by Duygu Bengi

Fashion Direction by Burak Sanuk

Directed by Merve Fatma

DOP Celal Burak Özgü

Fashion Editor Birce Naz Köş, Murat Şentürk

Hair by Mustafa Akgül

Make Up by Aslı Bilge

Creative Production by BI Creative

Creative Team Aslı Kılbüker, Belgin Demirhan, Melike Duman, Tunga Yankı Tan, Umutcan Öncü⁠

3D Scanning and Animation by Çağatay Erbaş⁠

DOP Assistant Enes Akdağ

Color Utkan Topuzlu

Sound Designer Emirhan Ceylan

Gaffer Ömer Rauf Aksoy

Best Boy Taner Altundaş

Hair Team Enes Sakızcı, Yiğithan Yılmaz

Make Up Assistant Melisa Arslanboğa

Gaffer Assistants Berk Bayramlı, Doğan Güneş

Agent Beyza Eraydın PH7entertainment

Communications İpek Türer

Special Thanks to Ekin Bernay, Elif Petek Kızmaz

Author: Based Istanbul