It’s not a contest – Naz Koral

EditorialJuly 15, 2024
It’s not a contest – Naz Koral

Naz has the self-confidence to stand firm no matter what she faces. She sets her own priorities and constantly puts forth the best she can do with great self-confidence. Her self-confidence echoes in every step she takes. It’s not a contest, but Naz is committed to winning.

What was the turning point for you?

I can say that there have been multiple turning points in my life. Each one played an important role in shaping me into the person I am today.

My first turning point was when I went to America to study at university. This experience gave me a different perspective and allowed me to see the world in a broader framework. Getting to know different cultures and standing on my own feet gave me self-confidence and helped me discover myself.

My second turning point was founding Manc. Creating my own brand and making my dreams come true was my biggest turning point.

How did you realise what you want to be in life, how much do your professional decisions match your personality?

It was a long process for me to realise what I want to be in life. From a young age, I had different experiences, discovered various interests and developed my talents. However, it took time to realise what I really wanted to do and in which field I wanted to exist. In this process, it was important to define my own values, passions and goals. I want to exist in life as a creative and productive individual. Turning my own ideas into reality and creating products that will add value to people motivates me. My personality allows me to be entrepreneurial, self-confident and hardworking, and I use these traits in building and growing my brand. Following my passions and staying true to my values has made my work more meaningful and enjoyable and brought me closer to success. Therefore, I have made sure that my professional decisions are in line with my personality and this has been an important criterion for me.

What does the future mean to you?

For me, the future is a journey full of new opportunities and possibilities, but also full of growth and potential. I want to continue to develop and grow our brand. It can also be full of uncertainties, which sometimes worries me, but the potential for excitement and adventure prevents me from despairing.

How much space do the feelings of winning and losing occupy in your life?

Accepting both emotions is part of an important learning process for me. In the moments of winning, in addition to the happiness and pride that success brings, I have the opportunity to appreciate those who have contributed to my success. However, at the same time, even in moments of winning, I review my mistakes and shortcomings and set new goals to improve myself further.

On the other hand, losing experiences are learning opportunities for me. Each loss makes me realise a wrong choice or a skill that needs improvement. In moments of loss, I learn to be stronger and more resilient, discover my weaknesses and strive to improve them. I see each loss as a step towards becoming a better version of myself.

Thus, I accept every experience that life brings as a learning opportunity and continue to improve myself by learning from each moment of winning or losing. This approach allows me to be more fulfilled and successful in both my personal and professional life.

What can you describe yourself as a “winner” when it happens?

I understand and respect this approach, but I think this is not for me because I don’t think I can ever see myself as a winner. I am constantly pursuing different goals, so I don’t want to put myself in such a mould, then the excitement of the work would be completely lost for me. A point that can be defined as “won” actually turns into a new goal for me. Therefore, I am actually in a cycle that will never end in my life and will motivate me to move forward.

Creative Direction and Interview by Duygu Bengi

Fashiıon Direction by Burak Sanuk

Photography by Mesut Adlin

Fashiıon Editor Murat Şentürk

Make Up by Birce Selcik

Hair by Rıdvan Deniz

Creative Production by BI Creative

Creative Team Belgin Demirhan, Şevval Küçüktır, Tunga Yankı Tan, Umutcan Öncü⁠

Hair & Make Up Assistant Hatice Sayın

Author: Based Istanbul