A simple take on a photographer, Lasse Dearman, who gives a damn about the youth that surrounds him.
Tell us what you do?
I take pictures.
Where are you now?
I’m in Copenhagen.
What camera do you use?
I use Nikon F90X, Olympus Mju 2, Contax G3, and I’m slowly starting to shoot more medium format.
Film or digital?
Favourite photographer?
I like photographers such as, Larry Clark, Corinne Day, Ed Templeton, Patrick O’dell, JH Engstrom, David Armstrong, Nan Goldin, Nick Haymes and Juergen Teller.
Current project?
I am currently working on what I hope someday can become a book. The photos are like a diary. I have my camera on me at all times and I like to photograph the people around me. The project is still in development and it is hard to say right now what it is about specifically, but I guess you could say it’s a documentation of the youth culture.
Hardest moment you’ve had in capturing an image?
I’m not really sure. I haven’t photographed any situation that was specifically emotionally hard.
Strangest situation you’ve been in to capture an image?
Once someone tried to strangle me because I took a photo of their friend who had passed out on the street. It was pretty intense, but those kinds of situations happen every now and then.