Zeynep Özkanca makes room for her feelings instead of what she sees. Taking photos constantly since she first held a camera when she was 13, Zeynep believes that words, texts, sounds, and people are elements engraved in our visual memory… She states, “Before now, I had an approach to substantiate everything that’s not visual. Now this approach is not enough for me, I’m looking for a new language” and emphasizes that her visual memory is hidden in “non-visual things”. Zeynep is one of those people who doesn’t hide behind great ambitions or big aspirations about her profession… “I do the best I can, and leave the rest to natural flow. I love surprises.”
Zeynep Özkanca is among our winners as she never loses “the power to start over” despite every challenge she encounters in this visual chaos where she manages to stay true to herself… Isn’t carrying on the same as winning? Our questions find a new space in her visual world and we continue to refresh our visual memory. Join us.
Is your starting point the past or the future?
How do you feel lately?
Do you feel closer to reality or dreams?
How is it possible to remain authentic in today’s world?