I don’t have an intense ambition about winning or losing. I can either lose or win something the same way. Winning and losing are not very serious matters for me. It’s not something I care about. I mean, for music, I don’t really care about winning or losing anything, it’s about music. I just feel successful with music whenever I can make music. I like to dream.
I don’t dream about music. It’s like dreams are things that you can’t control. That’s why I only have plans about music. I think the things that are in my power are not dreams but things that I can do by working and planning. It’s the same with music, it was just something I enjoyed a lot in my life, I continued to do it. I didn’t really do anything to become who I am, I just worked, as I said, but at the end of the day I look back and something happened. And yes, if you want to protect it, you have to pay attention to certain things, but I’m not that kind of person at all. I mean, I can’t live to protect something. I live as I feel in my heart. I’ll live the way I feel again. We’ll see if this will take it away from me, if it won’t, if it will strengthen it, we’ll see it together. Hang on a second, my phone’s ringing.