Based Istanbul Welcomes: Ali Elmacı

TVJanuary 8, 2025
Based Istanbul Welcomes: Ali Elmacı
What motivates me - in general, the first source of motivation for me to produce my works is the feeling of discomfort. We live in such a country that every day we are confronted with a brand new event, a brand new disaster that disturbs us. The more uncomfortable I feel, the more I shut myself in my studio and find the solution in working. 
Of course, all my works have an autobiographical aspect. But rather than presenting it as such, I always convey it through another issue.
The part about being understood is primarily based on understanding myself. Firstly, I try to understand myself, I try to find myself, and that's all I care about.
I don't force the audience to do anything. Of course, there is a subject or an issue that motivates me. But this is something that concerns me completely, after that it is up to the audience. Whatever they think, whatever they understand.
I'm doing my favourite job in the world, I'm doing my favourite thing, and I'm very much in love with my job.
And so it goes...

Creative Direction by Duygu Bengi

Interview by Tunga Yankı Tan

Videography by Umutcan Öncü

Author: Based Istanbul